About the organisation
Mission and vision
Our Lord in the Attic Museum tells the story of tolerance in the city. Our Lord in the Attic was built in an atmosphere of religious tolerance which had grown on the foundations laid by Willem van Oranje in the 16th century. Freedom of religion and freedom of conscience are tangible ideas in the museum: they are a major source of inspiration for our activities today.
The mission and vision of Our Lord in the Attic Museum:
To preserve and maintain the cultural and religious heritage of Catholic Amsterdam since the 17th century through active management of the house on Oudezijds Voorburgwal 40 and in particular its attic church as well as its collection of art and applied art.
To provide a welcoming and inspiring place to meet, to inform visitors about the values that motivate the museum, and to share experiences and knowledge with visitors.
The museum is continually engaged in developing new content for schools and visitors along these lines. The goal is to present the story of the house and its hidden church, to make it accessible for everyone, regardless of age or background.
Job vacancies
Do you want to work at Our Lord in the Attic Museum? Check the current job vacancies.
Executive director and board of trustees
Our Lord in the Attic Museum is a foundation with an unremunerated board of trustees and an executive director. The foundation conducts its business in line with the Cultural Code of Governance. The annual financial report explains in more detail how the code is implemented.
Birgit Büchner (b. 1962) is a graduate of the University of Nijmegen. Before she began her career at Our Lord in the Attic Museum in 2008, she worked in business and the film sector. In 2016, she worked as interim director at the Bible Museum and was appointed director of Our Lord in the Attic Museum.
Birgit Büchner on Our Lord in the Attic Museum: “This is an enormously inspiring museum to work for. Together with our team, we focus both on the historical value of this remarkable Catholic heritage, and on the contemporary significance of the house and the collection. We develop education programmes about tolerance, and are continually trying to develop topical perspectives to encourage visitors to reflect. We pose ourselfs challenging questions, such as: What does tolerance mean in our day-to-day life? What does this place say about Amsterdam? I also think it’s important to make every effort to promote cohesion in the city. Cooperation with social and cultural partners is an essential aspect. It gives our story, and the story of Amsterdam, greater depth and more importance.”
Board of trustees
The members of the board of trustees are:
Drs. A. (Arjen) Kok
Drs. D.J. (Diederik) Slot
Mr. A. (Astrid) Ubbergen
Drs. E. (Evita) Fiévez-Stoop
Drs. W.J. (Wieger) Kastelein
Annual reports
Check out previous annual reports of Our Lord in the Attic Museum.
22/04/2022 Parool – Zo kunnen blinden ook de trap op in Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder (Dutch)
Our Lord in the Attic Museum
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 38-40
1012 GD Amsterdam
Phone number: +31 (0)20 624 66 04 (Mo to Fr)
Email: info@opsolder.nl
RSIN/tax (identification) number: 002957553
Chamber of Commerce (KvK): 41197718
IBAN: NL63ABNA 052 755 83 70 to St. Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder.
ANBI Publication: download here.
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