Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions

Below you will find some of the most frequently asked questions and the anwsers regarding to your museum visit.

Opening times and ticket prices

When is the museum open?

What are the admission prices?


Is it possible to buy a ticket in advance?

I have a Museumkaart or another discount card. Do I still need to buy a ticket?

Is it necessary to buy a ticket in advance?

I am unable to attend. Can I exchange my ticket or get a refund?

Is it possible to purchase a Museumkaart at the ticket counter?

Can I pay with a credit card or another debit card?

Service and visits

How much time should I allocate for a visit?

Is an audio tour available

Are there guided tours?

Is there a cloakroom / are there lockers?

Can I leave my luggage (suitcase/weekend bag) in the cloakroom?

Does the museum have a café?

Is there a museum shop?

Do you sell gift vouchers?

What is the best way to reach the museum?

Questions about museum rules

Am I allowed to take photographs in the museum?

Mag ik eten en/of drinken in het museum?

Am I allowed to make phone calls in the museum?


Is the museum accessible for visitors with physical disabilities?

Are strollers, walkers, and wheelchairs allowed inside?

Are there facilities for visitors with physical disabilities?

Is there an accessible toilet available?

Am I allowed to bring my (assistance) dog to the museum?

Can I enter for free as a companion?

Exhibitions and events

What does IHS stand for?

Are there temporary exhibitions?

What is there to do for children?

Do I need to make reservations for activities?

Can the museum be rented for events?

Can I get married in the attic church?

Are there still masses in the attic church?

How can I support the museum?

Quick to:


Practical information

Families and children

PARTNERS & SPONSOREN • Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst • Kickstart Cultuur Fonds • Fonds 21 • Katholieke Stichting ter Bevordering van Welzijnswerk • Vereniging Rembrandt • Unesco • Nieuw Leven Facility Groep • VTW Amsterdam • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds • VSB-fonds • Gemeente Amsterdam • C.S. Oolgaardtstichting •