Blogs and video’s
Our Lord in the Attic Museum regularly posts blogs and videos about the collection, presentations and events. Scroll down to see more.
Our Lord in the Attic Museum regularly posts blogs and videos about the collection, presentations and events. Scroll down to see more.
Monday-Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 10am-6pm
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 38
1012 GD Amsterdam
Blogs and Video’s
Would Adriaen van de Velde, a successful and well-known landscape painter, have rushed his commission for house church Het Hart and produced paintings of a lesser quality?
Blogs and Video’s
Since the beginning of this year, 28-year-old Pieter-Jan van Giersbergen has been strengthening the collection team of Our Lord in the Attic Museum as assistant curator.
Blogs and Video’s
During the renovation and expansion of the museum a few years ago, remarkable things came to light thanks to restorations.
Blogs and Video’s
During the renovation of the Our Lord in the Attic Museum a few years ago, construction workers made a remarkable discovery.
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