Become a Friend, donate or leave a legacy
Our Lord in the Attic Museum manages to remain open to the subsidies and funds, donations, contributions of our Friends and ticket sales from our visitors.
Become a Friend
Are you a supporter of our museum and our mission? Become a Friend of Our Lord in the Attic Museum.
You can become a Friend from € 40,- a year. There is also the possibility to become a Friend together from € 70,- a year.
Friends enjoy several benefits:
- Unlimited access to the museum
- Invitations to openings and other events
- Invitations to special activities such as the Friend Days
- Your Friend pass gives you a ten-percent reduction in the museum shop and on tours.
- You will be the first to get notified via our digital bulletin. (At the moment only available in Dutch)
’t Haantje (10 times a year)
Would you like more information first? Please contact Hanne Huisman via email info@opsolder.nl or by telephone +31 (0)20 624 66 04.
Friendship card
Wordt nu Vriend, of geef een Vriendenpas cadeau
Om Vriend van het museum te worden of een Vriendenpas cadeau te doen kunt u onderstaand formulier invullen.
Periodic donation
You can contribute to the museum on a one-off or periodic basis.
With a periodic donation you will get a larger tax benefit.
This can be arranged through an agreement or notarial deed.
To access a form to establish a regular gift, follow this link (Dutch form): www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/bldcontentnl/themaoverstijgend/programmas_en_formulieren/overeenkomst_periodieke_giften
RSIN/fiscal (identification)number: 002957553
Chamber of Commerce (KvK): 41197718
IBAN: NL63ABNA 052 755 83 70
payable to St. Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder.
Do you want to make a direct donation? Click the button below.
Including Our Lord in the Attic Museum in your will is a forward-looking way to help preserve this heritage.
You support the museum to continue giving its special history meaning in the present time.
For more information, please contact Birgit Büchner, director, on telephone number +31 (0)20 624 66 04 or sent an email to info@opsolder.nl. She will be happy to inform you about the possibilities.
ANBI-status (Dutch charity law)
The Dutch charity law offers tax benefits to individuals and companies who give money to cultural institutions with ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling / PBO Public Benefit Organisation). Our Lord in the Attic Museum has this ANBI-status.
Want to know more? Request our brochure on gifting & bequeathing at info@opsolder.nl.
You can read exactly what this means for your donation on the tax authorities’ website (Dutch):www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/aftrek-en-kortingen/content/gift-aftrekken
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