‘t Haantje


‘t Haantje

For decades, we have published ‘t Haantje once a year; a magazine containing all the highlights, background articles and facts from and about the museum. This bulletin is also a reference work containing (new) collection pieces, current exhibitions and the introduction of new staff members, or mentioning colleagues who reached their retirement.

In 2021, the traditional Haantje is transformed into a digital version that is sent out monthly as a newsletter. This fits better with the current times in terms of sustainability, plus it allows the museum to communicate temporary presentations faster.

Would you also like to receive ‘t Haantje monthly? Sign up today, or browse through previous editions (all in Dutch).

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‘t Haantje 55 [december]
‘t Haantje 55 [november]
‘t Haantje 55 [oktober]
‘t Haantje 55 [september]
’t Haantje 55 [augustus]
’t Haantje 55 [juli]
’t Haantje 55 [juni]
’t Haantje 55 [mei]
’t Haantje 55 [april]
’t Haantje 54
’t Haantje 53

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PARTNERS & SPONSOREN • Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst • Kickstart Cultuur Fonds • Fonds 21 • Katholieke Stichting ter Bevordering van Welzijnswerk • Vereniging Rembrandt • Unesco • Nieuw Leven Facility Groep • VTW Amsterdam • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds • VSB-fonds • Gemeente Amsterdam • C.S. Oolgaardtstichting •