Secondary school


Secondary school

We cater programmes for all age groups and educational levels. By connecting the history of our heritage with today’s world, we can address contemporary issues such as freedom, (religious) diversity and tolerance. This van vary from a historical guided tour to a talent programme for more advanced levels!

Historical tour

Amsterdam in the 17th century is the starting point to discuss and reflect on today’s culturally diverse society. As we walk through the historic house with its hidden church in the attic, we examine themes such as reformation, trade, immigration and tolerance. In a discussion in the Attic the museum teacher challenges the students to talk about their ideas relating to freedom of religion and freedom of expression. Book this tour that focuses on: history, civics, art and culture, and citizenship education.

Reservations via or call +31 (0)20 624 66 04 (available on Monday to Friday).
Do you have a particular wish? Tell us and we’ll try to advise.

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Junior school

Museum visit

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PARTNERS & SPONSOREN • Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst • Kickstart Cultuur Fonds • Fonds 21 • Katholieke Stichting ter Bevordering van Welzijnswerk • Vereniging Rembrandt • Unesco • Nieuw Leven Facility Groep • VTW Amsterdam • Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds • VSB-fonds • Gemeente Amsterdam • C.S. Oolgaardtstichting •